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Your Pictures,
Turn your own photos into a sliding puzzle, or switch to the classic numbered-tiles game.
Slide the scrambled pieces into their original, left-right, top-bottom order to win.
Solve puzls to earn Puzld Coins—then use them to unlock upper levels!
Reveal Hints, instantly unlock upper levels, and open awesome Picture Packs for just $0.99.
Proceeds support global humanitarian charities and the Amish Descendant Scholarship Fund.
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Free to download ◼ Free to play ◼ No ads.
Instantly unlock challenging upper levels, helpful game hints, and awesome Picture Packs for $.99

In-app purchases support global charities.
A portion of proceeds also supports the Amish Descendant Scholarship Fund.
Charitable proceeds are given to the organizations above in proportion to votes received.
Puzld also supports the Amish Descendant Scholarship Fund.
Want to add a charity to the list? Suggest it using the Contact form above!
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